Notice- 15th Jan: 2nd Sunday In Ordinary Time

Feasts this week:

  • Mon,  Jan 16 - St. Joseph Vaz
  • Tue,   Jan 17 - St. Anthony the Abbot
  • Sat,    Jan 21 - St. Agnes
  1. Today, we celebrate “Vocation Sunday” in the Archdiocese. Kindly pray for Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
  2. Sunday of the Word of God will be celebrated on next Sun, 22nd January
  3.  The Johannian Youth is organizing STARRY NIGHT, an overnight fellowship program with prayer, games, great conversation, food, and much more on 25th-26th January. Last date to give the form and collect the passes is 21st January. For details contact Fr Harry.
  4. Prerna Health Centre will be offering comprehensive eye check-up at a special price of Rs 100 on Mondays at 9:30 am during the month of January and February. Please contact the reception at Prerna Health Centre for more information
  5. Flag hoisting for Republic Day will take place after the 6:45 am mass in the Church compound